Hyväksytyt, yli 100p.
VTR-16306 sp Remembrance of Radical Rabbit, Crissu 187p
VTR-16076 app Jacques Zmajev de Noci, Reprobate 183p
VTR-16118 sn Hawoo's Poco Loco, Reprobate 174p
VTR-16266 SHELAM Early Sunrise of Cidisa, Talvililja 173p
VTR-15711 SIPHUS Lumovireen Todellisuuden Harha, Talvililja 151p
VTR-15710 SIPHUS Terrawhirl Angels Watching Over Me, Talvililja 143p
VTR-17427 apk Pennyroyal Under My Paws, Shady 113p
VTR-16068 rw Nightshade's Rhaokmara, Reprobate 104p
VTR-17019 sp Noéran Tacoma, Crissu 100p
Hylätyt, alle 100p.
VTR-16473 kn Zorion de la Dorado, Shady 91p
VTR-16054 sp Ewig nach Steil T.W.A., Reprobate 86p
VTR-17465 bpt Nandyhill Hurricane Fluttershy, Shady 80p
VTR-17018 sp Kneipwart Eros, Crissu 78p
VTR-15618 BC Ay Chico de la Dorado, Talvililja 70p
VTR-16678 kn Deep In The Night de la Dorado, Shady 63p
VTR-16075 app Betserai Jameeláh, Reprobate 33p
VTR-15528 kn Werónica Sorne de la Dorado, Shady 31p
VTR-15679 APK Nandyhill The Singing Sands, Talvililja 10p
VTR-16071 d Evil Eye's Mis-Takes, Reprobate 9p
Hyväksytyt, yli 100p.
VTR-16071 d Evil Eye's Mis-Takes, Reprobate 193p
Hylätyt, alle 100p.
VTR-16054 sp Ewig nach Steil T.W.A., Reprobate 88p
VTR-17018 sp Kneipwart Eros, Crissu 74p
VTR-16678 kn Deep In The Night de la Dorado, Shady 38p
VTR-17465 bpt Nandyhill Hurricane Fluttershy, Shady 38p
VTR-15528 kn Werónica Sorne de la Dorado, Shady 14p
VTR-16473 kn Zorion de la Dorado, Shady 10p
VTR-15618 BC Ay Chico de la Dorado, Talvililja 8p
VTR-16075 app Betserai Jameeláh, Reprobate 7p
VTR-15679 APK Nandyhill The Singing Sands, Talvililja 2p
HYL, suorittanut luokan
VTR-16306 sp Remembrance of Radical Rabbit, Crissu
VTR-16076 app Jacques Zmajev de Noci, Reprobate
VTR-16118 sn Hawoo's Poco Loco, Reprobate
VTR-16266 SHELAM Early Sunrise of Cidisa, Talvililja
VTR-15711 SIPHUS Lumovireen Todellisuuden Harha, Talvililja
VTR-15710 SIPHUS Terrawhirl Angels Watching Over Me, Talvililja
VTR-17427 apk Pennyroyal Under My Paws, Shady
VTR-16068 rw Nightshade's Rhaokmara, Reprobate
VTR-17019 sp Noéran Tacoma, Crissu
Hyväksytyt, yli 200p.
VTR-17365 amst Scythe's Sniper, Shady 266p
VTR-16179 sp Show 'Em the Ropes of Vicinity, Crissu 257p
VTR-15584 bpm The Death of Mean, Reprobate 233p
VTR-17364 newfou Heny Hancho of Shaghas, Shady 221p
VTR-16097 sp Guiscard der Thamar, Crissu 202p
Hylätyt, alle 200p.
VTR-16053 sp Rexcreator's Sparrowhawk, Reprobate 187p
VTR-16879 rotu-x Whoops a Daisy, Anarchy 183p
VTR-16074 ss Caesiu de la Dorado, Reprobate 142p
VTR-17317 buh Lunds Skadi, Anarchy 117p
VTR-17416 esv All-Rounder's Peachlight Nebula, Shady 93p
VTR-16679 lb Emotion In Motion de la Dorado, Shady 60p
VTR-16064 sp Vexfaellum's On That Fateful Night, Reprobate 54p
VTR-15065 sp HELL Monroe's est Grammatik, Crissu 46p
VTR-17316 buh Dahls Hrolleif, Anarchy 38p
Hyväksytyt, yli 200p.
VTR-17317 buh Lunds Skadi, Anarchy 296p
Hylätyt, alle 200p.
VTR-17416 esv All-Rounder's Peachlight Nebula, Shady 145p
VTR-17316 buh Dahls Hrolleif, Anarchy 120p
VTR-16064 sp Vexfaellum's On That Fateful Night, Reprobate 117p
VTR-16053 sp Rexcreator's Sparrowhawk, Reprobate 96p
VTR-15065 sp HELL Monroe's est Grammatik, Crissu 91p
VTR-16879 rotu-x Whoops a Daisy, Anarchy 59p
VTR-16679 lb Emotion In Motion de la Dorado, Shady 46p
VTR-16074 ss Caesiu de la Dorado, Reprobate 18p
HYL, suorittanut luokan
VTR-17365 amst Scythe's Sniper, Shady
VTR-16179 sp Show 'Em the Ropes of Vicinity, Crissu
VTR-15584 bpm The Death of Mean, Reprobate
VTR-17364 newfou Heny Hancho of Shaghas, Shady
VTR-16097 sp Guiscard der Thamar, Crissu